This is the changelog for all updates, fixes and new features for Enjovia. Subscribe to keep up to date with our latest releases.

Mar 07, 2025

Set a new account to live in super admin dashboard.

You can now set that a store is live in the admin dashboard, a store that is not live will not generate invoices, this allows demo stores to be made without automatically sending invoices out at months end.

If a customer sets a store to live and then unsets it to live, but makes sales while the store was live, the commission will carry over to their first invoice when the store next goes live.

Allow invoices status's to be set via admin dashboard

Within the admin dashboard master invoice list, invoices status can now be manually changed, with there being 4 options.

Paid - The invoice has been paid.

Disputed - the invoice is in dispute from the client.

Void - The invoice has been cancelled and needs to be remade.

Write off - The invoice has been fully written off and will not be paid.

Add image template library link

We've added a link to our template library on the image upload section of a product. This library of templates will be added to every few weeks.

Close filters when clicking outside

Filters tab will now close when clicking outside of the side window.

Update to all Empty State Pages

The remaining empty state pages on the enjovia system have now been updated with suggestions and links to the help centre to enhance the user and onboarding experience.

The following pages now have an enhanced empty state page.

* Users empty state page
* Invitations empty state page
* Redeem locations empty state page
* Payment gateways empty state page
* Email domains empty state page

Feb 04, 2025


Filters have now been added to each relevant section of the system, this will help customers to sort and better manage their catalogues.

Filters can be found in the top of each section.

They are currently present in the following sections: 

  • Products
  • Enhancements
  • Discounts
  • Stores
  • Categories
  • Orders
  • Users

When you press the filter button a side bar will appear with relevant sort fields for that specific section.

For example on the Products page, you can now sort by.

  • Stores
  • Active
  • Product Type
  • Categories
  • Status
  • Activation Schedule
  • Deactivation Schedule
  • and Redeem locations.

Tags added to redemption report.

We have added tags to appear on the redemption report, which will assist in future proofing our database for API connections.

Bug Fix

Fixed bug where templates were not able to be selected and enhancements and discounts were effected by adding a minimum amount or a numerical limit.

Jan 15, 2025

Black colour option added for store nav bar and footer.

We have added further colour options to help customers achieve the look they want on their store.

Added all major timezones

We have added all major timezones to the system, all 24 timezones are included with an option for UTC.

Each timezone has a major city attached from that timezone to help with clarity.

Jan 13, 2025

Add test column to sales exports

We have added a test column to sales export reports, which will show whether an order was made in test mode or not.

Allow filtering by test sales in exports

Alongside the above change, we have added a new field in the reports tab which will give the option to include test data. It will be excluded by default unless requested.

Added a new item type field into reports

We have added a new item type field into sales reports to help further clarify the sales reports. This new field will display the type of product sold, there are 4 types of product currently supported by the system.

1. Standard product
2. Enhancement
3. Variant product
4. Monetary product

Allow accounts to be set as demo

This is an internal change for the super admin dashboard. We have created a flag for demo accounts to be set as demo, so they do not clog up customer lists and facilitate easier invoicing and customer management.

When a new account is created, this can now be flagged as a demo account.

Add United Arab Emirates Dirham

We have added the UAE Dirham to the system as a supported currency.

Dec 16, 2024

Changed Logo position within voucher order email.

Logo will now appear within the white box and not as a seperate box, this gives a better visual feel then previous email, especially if logo is not a PNG.

                                                                New email version on left

Re-added QR codes to emails.

Previous we removed QR codes from emails directly as some email clients like gmail block QR code images from appearing in emails, which was causing customer confusion. We have found a fix for this and now QR codes will display in all email clients.

                                                         QR codes have now returned to emails.

New Order number and Voucher Number formatting

All order numbers and voucher numbers will now follow a 7 Digit set format.

Order numbers: 5 Digits

Voucher numbers: 2 Digits

This means a full voucher number will contain the order number and then 2 unique identifiers for that order. These can be made up of letters and numbers. i.e. 4FD2F-3D

This will mean that multiple vouchers purchased together, will now share the first 5 digits of the order number while the final 2 digits will be different.

This will help us identify and find multiple vouchers within the same order faster on reporting, orders list and fulfilment.

Dec 03, 2024

Terminal Fields in Sales Report

We have added fields relevant to terminal sales in the sales report. These include: Terminal Sale, User, and Staff discount.

                                                        New fields in the Sales Report

Promocode Error

Attempting to add a code for an inactive promotion, would create a system error in the terminal checkout. This has now been fixed and an error will correctly slow.

Nov 20, 2024

Login Improvements.

Our login page was having issues with mobile login view and different screen breaks and logo sizes. This has now been fixed across all devices and the login page visuals have been updated. 

                                          New Login Page on larger screen size.
                                               New Login Page on Mobile View

Stripe Order Transaction Changes

We have added the enjovia order code to the stripe transactions to make searching for enjovia transactions within stripe easier to locate.

Minimum Order Total Bug

Fixed a bug where if a promotion was set for minimum order total and it was not hit, the checkout would go into error.

Tags in Transaction Report

Tags set on various parts of the system, store, products, promotions, redeem location etc, now show in their own individual columns in transaction reports. This will facilitate API conenctions where third parties can pick up on relevant tag columns.

Oct 28, 2024

Stripe accounts can be added to other Enjovia accounts from the admin dashboard

Stripe accounts can now be added to other enjovia accounts from the dashboard. This partner request was made so that the same stripe account can be added to multiple enjovia stores / accounts without triggering stripes internal seperating ID.

Monetary value fields should not be prefilled on browser back navigation

Fixed a bug where monetary fields were saving with prefilled data when browser back navigation was used during checkout. This field is now blank.

Explain the first product image is used in terminal sales

Added a description to product image uploader, stating that the first image will act as the default image and will be the image used on terminal sales.

                                            Better description on default images for terminal

Remove link to view privacy policy

Removed a link to view privacy policy from the settings page on enjovia, this can still be edited from store page. Settings version went to broken link and has been removed.

Show Euro sign at start of price

Fixed issue where Euro sign was showing behind the price of monetary and experience products on terminal, this now accurately reflects European norms.

                                           Correct placement of Euro Symbol on pricing.

Oct 24, 2024

Sales Terminal Released.

The sales terminal allows enjovia users to create vouchers within the admin dashboard. This feature is designed to faciliate face to face and over the phone voucher sales and facilitate the creation of complimentary (free) vouchers.

This will permit the sale of internal products (products only visible to internal users)

This will also allow staff discounting of vouchers, on top of normal promocode usage, this will allow fully discounted vouchers to be created on the system, these vouchers are also known as complimentary vouchers.

This terminal will also permit the creation of test products in stores with test environments enabled, this will permit users to create test vouchers and explore the system in greater depth before going live.

                                      Terminal - Where users Redeem and Sell Vouchers.

Filter Sales Terminal sales channel to live sales when creating live orders, but all sales channels while making test orders

A live store can process test and real orders, whereas a store which isn't in live mode, can only process test orders. No products will appear to sell on the normal terminal sell a product section unless a store is set to live. We needed to seperate out these two product types via filters.

Fix Invoices Overflow Menu Wrapping

Occasionally the invoice overflow menu had wrapping issues, which were causing information to bleed over the table. This has now been fixed.

Internal invoicing

We have enabled internal invoicing, which can be turned on in the super admin dashboard for an account. What this means is that no invoice is sent or visible to the end customer. The invoice will still generate but will only be visible on the admin dashboard. The use case for this is for partners which have bundled services and already send their own internal invoices and do not wish for seperate invoices to be sent to the customer.

Reconciling invoices

Enjovia use Xero internally for accounting, we have built an API connection which will generate a xero invoice to match an internal enjovia invoicing, this will make reconciliation of future invoices much easier. This will work for partners, but unfortunately due to xero's internal policies is only available in certain regions.

An email domain can be deleted.

Setting up an email domain on Enjovia to send emails from, previously could not be deleted, which meant for test stores made or errors, it would have caused issues. These can now be deleted and the deletion is reflected in the backend of the database too, faciliating the same email domain usage on future stores.

Increase logo size on dashboard login page.

A request from a partner, who felt the logo on the admin dashboard login page was too small, this has now been increased and is more visible.

                                                      A more prominent login page logo

Fix inconsistent font sizes between total label and total value in the checkout

Some of the font sizes betwene total label and total value were not consistent, we have changed these so that now they are the same size.

                                 Total Label and Total Value are now same font size in checkout

Monetary product custom input field should validate in real time

When a customer inputs a value that is below or exceeds the minimum and maximum value allowed in the monetary gift voucher fields, instead of waiting to validate when they try to purchase, an error message will show as they type the mistake. This stops a mistake being made in real time.


                             Monetary value errors are now validated in real time as you type

Monetary redemption values should validate in real time.

This is the same feature as above, but in use during the redemption process within the terminal. If a user tries to redeem a value greater then the value of the voucher this will validate as the mistake is being written out and stop any redemption, before the redeem button is pressed.

Update partner transactions export

Request from a partner, they required Duplicate account, payment gateway, order, and store columns across rows within exportable reports, so that the data could be better interrogated.

Some content overflows on certain screen sizes.

A small visual error, some content was overflowing on certain smaller screen sizes, this is now fixed.
