Oct 28, 2024

Release 3.1.11 - Bug Fixes and Stripe Account Changes.

Stripe accounts can be added to other Enjovia accounts from the admin dashboard

Stripe accounts can now be added to other enjovia accounts from the dashboard. This partner request was made so that the same stripe account can be added to multiple enjovia stores / accounts without triggering stripes internal seperating ID.

Monetary value fields should not be prefilled on browser back navigation

Fixed a bug where monetary fields were saving with prefilled data when browser back navigation was used during checkout. This field is now blank.

Explain the first product image is used in terminal sales

Added a description to product image uploader, stating that the first image will act as the default image and will be the image used on terminal sales.

                                            Better description on default images for terminal

Remove link to view privacy policy

Removed a link to view privacy policy from the settings page on enjovia, this can still be edited from store page. Settings version went to broken link and has been removed.

Show Euro sign at start of price

Fixed issue where Euro sign was showing behind the price of monetary and experience products on terminal, this now accurately reflects European norms.

                                           Correct placement of Euro Symbol on pricing.
